Project Title: Neighbor (An animation talk about the relationship between neighbor)
Target audience: Age range: 20-40
Project background:
Nowadays, people in HK have a better living condition then before, we have a bigger house, better furniture. However, the relationship between neighbors is worse than before. The entire doors are closed and the corridor is very quite. People live in their comfortable house; talking and sharing between neighbors are less. The worse and also common case is they do not the surname of their neighbors.
There are many reasons for this phenomenon, for example: changing of the life style, Western cultures replace Chinese culture, the changes Social Formation, the changing in the living environments, individualism easy be found in Hong Kong.
To change this phenomenon, it must started from the group of people have the strongest felling. The people lived in those villages will have the strongest felling, and the age of them now are older than 20. And also the media I use is animation, so I set the age of target audiences is 20-40; but I will also use the history of those people which is older than 40, because they may have the same experience when they live in village.
The core message is to remind people that we had a more harmony society at 70’s; the life is harder but we are easier to feel happy. We feel happier because we will share we food and also feeling to other people face to face. There are many things changed, but we also can have that better relationship with our neighbor, it just depends on us.
The concept is using the daily life that happened at 70’s, by using the elements that only appear in the old villages, for example the wood and cloth on the brake, the “air window ” that near the top of the brake, the large place in front of the lift, the pattern of the wall at the stairs… There are many special designs in the old village, each of them has a special reason, and people have some happy memory. Therefore, I will use them for the reference of the environments to make a story, which can remind people, the old life style.
This project aims at raising the public concerns on the relationship between neighbors.